
Plate Shield Starlink Standard GEN3
Plate Shield Starlink Standard GEN3

Plate Shield is a hail protection cover for Starlink plates, with "tool-less" installation. Born from an Australian idea, improved in design and project, taking care of every little detail, to give it a touch of "Italianness".

Plate Shield is made of PoliComp®, 4mm transparent compact UV polycarbonate sheets.

You can download the "Data Sheet" where you will find the physical, mechanical, thermal and electrical characteristics, as well as the fire classification and transparency values. Click here.

The material is radio-translucent, which means that the satellite signal can pass directly through the cover, without affecting performance. The polycarbonate material is resistant to impacts and UV rays for 10 years.

Plate Shield is made of two thicknesses, 3 and 4 mm. Although it is a plastic polymer, polycarbonate is very resistant and effectively counteracts shocks and fractures. Having UV protection, it presents almost total transparency and the unalterability of its qualities even under the sun, without ever turning yellow. Once installed, it's almost invisible and you won't even realise it's installed on your Starlink dish.

The reinforced anti-hail polycarbonate is tested by launching spherical polyamide bullets with a diameter between 35 mm and 45 mm and a weight between 33 grams and 43 grams each, then certified according to the UNI 1089:2000 standard of 06/30/2000.

Plate Shield is a 100% Italian product. Polycarbonate sheets are produced in Italy: The design, processing and packaging are carried out exclusively by Italian companies.


1. Will I have a lowering of the signal?

Being a clear polymer, the tests performed did not show any loss of signal quality

2. Can cold and heat damage it?

The compact polycarbonate sheets are resistant to a temperature range of -100 °C to +120 °C.

It is non-flammable and has a high ignition temperature. It does not leak and melts only if placed in contact with high temperatures. It is classified as a self-extinguishing material, which means that it will not support a flame once the external ignition source is removed.

3. Is it easy to install?

All you have to do is remove it from the packaging, remove the anti-scratch protective adhesive (if desired) and slide Plate Shield on the Plate, from top to bottom. Since it has to adapt to the dish, it could be narrow, before inserting it you just have to open the side wings slightly, don't worry, you won't break it.

4. Is there a guarantee against hail?

Plate Shield comes with a limited lifetime warranty. If any impact damage occurs during a hail storm, you can return it to us for a full replacement.
The terms are detailed in the "After-Sales Service" section.

5. Is Plate Shield easy to clean?

Once installed, there is no need to clean it. However, you can clean it by removing it from the Starlink dish and wiping it down with a mild soap solution. Do not use alkaline solutions such as Windex or similar as it may scratch it.

6. Is polycarbonate environmentally friendly?

Polycarbonate panels are made with intrinsic qualities that allow them to be a sustainable material, with minimal negative impact on our earth and the environment. In fact, it is completely recyclable at the end of its use, like many other recyclable plastics.